After a year and a half of existence and prolific work we at Minority Denim as a specialized laboratory of washes and dyeing felt the need to bridge the gap that we had in the aspect of communication, vitally important nowadays for the dissemination of products and partnerships.
Therefore, is with great enthusiasm and high expectations that we, finally present our website, that in addition of having the intention of reveal ourselves as a company and consequently our products and services, equally intends to be platform in constant update of the most varied news and events both related to our company and the textile industry.
We pretend to be an active interlocutor in order to give voice to the constant innovation and paradigm shifts in the textile industry that we consider deserving to be reported and placed in evidence in the way that who haves merit and relevance as is highlight.
All this will drain into the vision that we at Minority denim have as it how would the ideal business world and particularly the textile industry be, namely to provide a network of partners and dynamics in which the specificities and strong points of each one can be placed in use in order to benefit of all stakeholders. That’s exactly what we try to establish with who works or collaborates with us so that we can achieve lasting and profitable relations.
As the famous English poet said: “No man is a an island; everyman is a piece of the continent, a part of the main…”
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